How Do I ADD a Custom Parameter?


Let's Add a Custom (New) Parameter!

Not all rehabs are the same and there may be a time where you need to add a new or custom parameter!  Don't worry it is easy inside of Rehab Estimator Pro.  Below are step by step instructions walking you through adding a new custom paremeter.




In this support article, you will learn step-by-step how to add a custom parameter to Rehab Estimator Pro.




1.  Click on the Parameters button on the top menu bar.




2.  Click the Create Parameter button on the right side of the screen. 




3.  Complete the fields for your New Parameter.




These fields include the following:

  • Parameter Name:  This will be the name displayed for your Parameter inside of your account as well as on and documents prepared such as the Seller Net Sheet.
  • Main Category:  Choose from the drop-down if this fits under the Exterior, Interior, Misc Mechanical or Other category.
  • Sub -Category:  Here you can choose General, Room, Utility, House, Property or Garage
  • Unit of Measure:  Choose your unit of measurement
  • Equation:  Choose if your measuring equation.  The list consist of SqFt, RsSqFt, Each, Stalls, EachCnt & Other.
  • Custom Value:  You can assign a custom value if preferred.
  • Repair Description:  This is the repair description that will be displayed inside of your account as well as on documents prepared such as the Seller Net Sheet.
  • Notes:  You can enter any internal notes for this parameter under the Notes section



Thank You!

We appreciate you taking the time to learn how to add a custom parameter to Rehab Estimator Pro! For questions, contact us at


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